
Software Development Engineer Intern
June 15, 2020 - September 4, 2020

Incoming Software Development Engineer Intern at Amazon for the summer of 2020. Looking forward to seeing which team I’m assigned to.

UC San Diego

Data Science Instructional Assistant
Fall 2018, ongoing

Educating students on data structures and algorithms in Python and Java. Helping them work through their programming assignments, debugging issues, and explaining concepts to them. Holding office hours for students to attend to get extra assistance. Grading homework assignments based on code style and creating automated tests to confirm correctness of code.

Triton Software Engineering

Project Manager / Developer
Fall 2018, ongoing

Leading a team in the development of a website for the United Women of East Africa Support Team non-profit organization. Building a website to facilitate ordering of food from their kitchen. Developing website for another non-profit to analyze local markets based on survey responses. Implementing user requests using Node.js, Express.js, React.js, MongoDB, Firebase, HTML, CSS.

Triton Robosub

Computer Vision Developer
Winter 2019

Developing Python script that allows autonomous submarine to make decisions on how to move. Utilizing OpenCV and NumPy to find three orange posts marking gates, then finding two closest to more through. Interpreting best direction to move in based on submarine position.